Sunday, August 8, 2010

Worst than the Droid- Ambush

When I first glanced at this chapter title I thought that someone else was going to die. An epic battle of sorts, or a terrible enemy (like verizon's droid, I'm sorry but that phone freaks me out due to it's commercials. Even if I'm a loyal verizon carrier one nightmare I have concerns the Droid taking over the world) but I found something more horrifying.
"Sometimes I forgive myself, other times I don't. In ordinary hours of life I try not to dwell but now and then when I'm reading a newspaper or just sitting alone in a room, I'll look up and see the young men step out of the morning fog, I'll watch him walk toward me" Page 128
This is worst than a the Droid. Personally this is why I don't think I could ever go into the military. I don't think I could handle being haunted the rest of my life with such guilt and horror. The title of this chapter is sets a certain mood, of being chased and attacked. Another thing to carry


  1. Okay so speaking of technology haunting you and taking over the world, I watched an episode of The Simpsons about three-ish days ago and your fear of the Droid phone has reminded me of this: it's a hilarious clip hope you enjoy it :)

    On to the book. The thing I hated most about this part was how emotionally involved I got and how I felt so remorseful about it and then three or four chapters later, he tells me that he didn't kill him! It's seriously like whiplash.
