Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Take That Martha Stewart- Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong

Step aside tough manly soldiers. You may think that women are only meant to serve you and to comfort you but let Mary Anne Bell show you how it's done. I love how the men are surprised that this women is able to step up and embrace the life at the compound.
Lets take a history lesson
Starting in WWI women were stepping up even more. While their men were off fighting the war they were taking up the slack and earning their keep. After WWI they were pushed back in their houses and baked their cookies. Then WWII came along and by this point women had learned their lesson. By the end of this war women had earned the most rights ever expressed to women in any society before that point. If that wasn't enough women were becoming more and more part of the battle field then before as well. So why is it such a shock that Mary Anne is able to embrace this war. I hate to break it to every confused person reading this book but males and females are not that different. Besides those few physical differences we are the same, and this war isn't about reproduction so it makes perfect sense that Mary Anne is able to fit in at the compound. Luckily for women today it's better, and it can always improve (but hey so can many things in life)

Sorry lads she isn't there to make you a sandwich

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