Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oh I love you Ken

He love big brother - 298

One major theme from this book is government force. Similar to how Barbie is forced by the little girls of the world to live and think a certain way (seen in the video ) Winston breaks down from his original hatred of Big Brother. In retrospect I don't think Winston hated BB, as much as he didn't want to be part of his society. The ending of the book is kind of a let down. The evil character(from Winston's point of view), BB, wins. However because Orwell was trying to illustrate how humanity was leading to this path of destruction the ending isn't that much of a shock. The ending of the book would of been completely different if Winston had protected his love for Julia and kept faced as his face was being chewed off by a rat. I think Orwell picked this ending as a statement, of what can be. Our society to can become like Barbies if we let it.

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