Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wika what?-my first reaction to the ending

"My spirit will sleep in peace..." Page 211

Okay let's talk about this ending. The parts that made me really mad
First Victor stays up all night on his honeymoon to protect Elizabeth. He checks in every nook and cranny and this protection is really cute...until he misses the window. WHAT? He misses the window? Elizabeth should of bought a guard dog, perhaps he wouldn't of missed the window.

Then the monster turns into a coward. I mean if one is going to be evil and kill everyone stand the ground by your window and finish the job. I sincerely doubt Victor could of hurt the monster.

I'm glad that Walter learns from this story and decides to quench his drive for exploration. I am sad that he lost his friend but then I was freaked out again. The monster magically appears after the death, I mean how scary is that? and then the final straw that broke this story's back: the monster gets to make this great speech at the end over the dead body of his enemy. He wins and gets to talk about himself.
and Henry favorite chracter

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