Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Characters a la Frankie

"Mean well Clerval occupied himself, so to speak, with the moral relation of things" -Page 37

The first set of characters I would like to discuss are Henry and Victor and how much of a foil they are to each others. The saying is opposites attract, and this is a magnificent example of said attraction. Lets take for example their quest for knowledge. Victor wishes to know the science behind everything and Henry is more moral. The both could of gained more if they switched to the others passion. Victor could of used some morality after his creation and Henry has the hardest time getting support from his education because it wasn't about science.

Walter and Victor are just so cute because they're so similar. Perhaps they will catch the monster and find the North Pole. Wouldn't that be swell?

Finally the relationship between Elizabeth and Victor must mean something but I can't figure that one out. Hopefully the remainder of the book will explain their creepy relationship.

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