Wednesday, April 6, 2011


"Before we bring this session to an end you can ask me a few questions if you choose"
"Any questions I like?"
Page 259 conversation between O'Brien and Winston
Orwell has this annoying and persistent style choice throughout the novel in that the reader is NEVER DIRECTLY TOLD ANYTHING. In this particular scene (found on pages 259-260) Winston is still left in the dark even if he was allowed to ask any questions. This style setting of not answering any questions, makes the reader themselves question. In a way it's a good story telling technique, a great cliff-hanger, but in the end the questions are left unanswered. The reader isn't important enough to know the answers, only the Brotherhood will ever know. I doubt Orwell even knows. This style technique can be sprinkled throughout the book, however this instance with O'Brien I think it brings up the theme that civilization is stupid and BB is needed for them to survive. They need someone to know those answers.

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