Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm more of a dog person-February

This poem summarizes my feelings in February, especially when the speaker talked about staying in bed all day. Once Autumn is over I get lazy, I loose most of my mental fortitude to go through the school day. So when this poetry talked about french fries, kicking cats out of the house and staying in bed I was rather pleased. It wasn't until English class that I discovered that this poem was more than cat's bum holes.
The entire focus of the speaker is her lack of motivation in February. Apparently she wasn't a good girl, and Cupid didn't pay her a visit. She wishes to cut off the testicles of her neighborhood cats (and neighbors) and just eat her children. I'm glad that she calls herself to move at the end of this poem because otherwise I think her cat would find her dead somewhere. people complained that February is the the worst month for those without love, but really it's annoying when people wallow as well. So on Valentines day is turned into two groups of people. There's the happy couples AND the annoying people that wallow in self pity. Perhaps we should all just move for Spring, let the couples have their day and move on.

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