Saturday, June 12, 2010

I'm So glad I'm not going through a mid-life crisis-II

Alright I feel slightly bad for Frances, and the amount of judgment I passed towards her. Sometimes I just need to keep my big mouth shut.
I think this chapter is Robert and Jake's call to adventure (a step in the hero cycle from way back when). Robert has come to America and he's "not so simple or not so nice" (page 16). He's lost his old chracteristics due to his success and in the process he becomes depressed. While he no longer has anyone to really push him around, I think Robert has suddenly realized that a free life still isn't good unless you do something with it. He attaches to books of adventure and pleasure in an attmept to make something of his life even if Jake warns hime that "You can't get away from yourself by moving from one place to another. there's nothing to that" (page 19). Robert claims that he's afraid of not living life, and Jake retorts with a line that "only bull fighters live life all the way" (page 18). A random side note, Hemingway wrote an entire book on Bull Fighting called Green Hills of Africa. So I found this line deep, yet interesting at the same time.
Poor Jake tried to get rid of Robert, but Robert only feel asleep in his chair. Being a stubborn person myself I understand Robert completely, but I don't really know why Robert is so keen on taking Jake. It sounds like they aren't really good friends, just mere friends who play tennis together and go camping together. I just wish that Robert would take a step back and look at the world around him. He's living an extremely well provided life and is failing to capture that world. I just don't understand why he wants to leave his world so badly ""What the hell Robert...what the hell" (page 19)
Run Jake, run as fast as your newspaper editing legs can carry you. Robert isn't looking for a trip, he's looking for a change in lifestyle. Although Jake might be a good candidate to help Robert, this doesn't seem like his cup of tea. Of course Jake is going to go on this trip with Robert, otherwise this story would be extrmely mundane, however I would like to point out that if a man on the verge of a midlife crisis came to me, I would have to spend a day or two weighing the state of mind this person is in. This is due to the fact that if Robert is slightly strange, then Jake will become strange if he stays with him.
Also I still haven't found Robert's children

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