Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I'll make a man out of you-VIII

Right from the start this chapter opens with Jake being alone. Brett leaves with the reason that it would be best for the two of them. Robert and Frances had gone their separate ways (go Robert!). However Robert wishes to fish with Jake.
Jake meets up with Bill, an old friend that's at least been to the states. They probably met in the war because that seems to be the center of everyone's life. Bill has really weird stories that I'm sure mean something but I honestly gave up reading them. Any who Brett and Mike randomly pops up (I don't think Jake knew she was back). This is the point of the chapter that I felt the worst for Jake, Mike is really horny in this chapter (the scene found on page 85). So Jake who is feeling down is shown just how much he's missing and quickly leaves with Bill 9the icky taxidermist) to a fight.
One final side note, the restaurant that Bill and Jake go to that is packed with American people is serving American food (roast chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes a salad, and some apple pie and cheese). I don't understand why Americans would eat American food in Paris. What a waste

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