Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I will fight you-XVII

While Robert has been the scape goat for everything thus far I don't really like his actions in this chapter. for myself I pictured Robert as a scrawny guy that could be kicked around because of all the ridicule he's been taking in this book. Also I forgot all about his boxing championship so when he whipped out on Jake, Mike and Roberto I was shocked. Robert's anger seems to be his downfall to everything. Which brings me to my next question, why did Hemingway narrate this story from Jake's point of view when Robert's story is the main story line?
My respect for Brett grew as I learned of her old husband that "Always made Brett sleep on the floor. Finally when he got really bad he used to tell her he'd kill her" (page 207). Although Brett is still a tease and treats people horribly at least now she has a reason. I can't imagine her thought process after Robert came busting in, with his macho self. Must of been a great big turn off.
Finally what was with the Jake's stream of consciousness? (from page 196 pausing for the dialogue with Bill and Robert and picking up on page 199). Thanks to Hemingway's great description I know how hard Jake was hit on the head. I mean he couldn't climb stairs and he sat in a bathtub without being able to turn the water on. Crazy

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