Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Um how do you say "my son is being beaten by a monkey with a stick" in Indian?

One random note before this blog runs like the wind I would like to point out page 151 when Mr. Kapasi notices that one of the boys "was slightly paler than the other children" (when he's shifting gears in the car), I didn't catch this little line the first time through but I found it very amusing. Okay so this entire story is centered on the lonely Mr. Kapasi, who is so starved fro love that he lusts after Mrs. Dias, who really just gives him an hour of her life where she would of been bored anyways. I mean I've spent many small-talk converstations asking quesstions just so that there isn't any awkward pauses. I honestly just felt sad for Kapasi throughout this story, and am almost glad Mrs. Dias loses his address just so he can move on with his life.

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