Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hunters vs. Gathers

In two of these stories we have a hunter (Tub) and a Gather (Dee). Now as many people know in prehistoric times (and for a while after) men where given the job of hunting and women the job of gathering. In both stories though this instinctual trait is the down fall of the character. Tub is constantly hunting for food and tries to hide it as well. He can't stop eating and it doesn't seem in his character that he will ever stop. Dee is similar in that she tries to gather what she wants in life. By taking control of her sister and mother and always taking the good things for herself, she creates a terrible relationship with them. This hurts her later as her mother stops her from gathering the quilts from Maggie. So perhaps instead of genders be separated by job, the should share? If Tub stopped eating or Dee stopped taking these characters would of had a happier ending.

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