Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dear Frank, ... so this is awkward Love Eveline

This short story is one to play with the readers emotions. Throughout the storyline the slightly abused, overworked Eveline spills her life story. With this confession the reader builds all sorts of sympathy for Eveline, and I honestly felt worst by the end of the story. She just was such a textbook case of a person in a abusive relationship. She can't leave her father even though her living conditions are anything but stellar. Margret bought up a great point in our "small" group (although I don't think half of the class constitutes as a small group) that Eveline was using Frank as a means of an escape. I think she did love him, just not in a marrying sense. She loved the way she made him feel and the escape he provided. But in the end she just couldn't take that leap of fate. She was stuck in her life, and no amount of love from Frank would get her body and soul out of that relationship with her father (or dead mother). Enjoy dusting Eveline, because you're going to be there a long time.

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