Thursday, January 20, 2011

Jealousy is a green-eyed monster

Based off of question 5
This play has a couple of themes sprinkled throughout it but I firmly believe jealousy is the largest theme that takes place. From the first lines Iago (who reminds me of the parrot from Disney's "Aladdin") is jealous of not becoming Othello's lieutenant. Then Roderigo burns with jealousy from Othello taking Deddemona. They agreed to come together and work against "the Moor". Jealousy flares up again as Othello believes Dedemona is cheating on him. Even though Dedemona claims that Othello isn't jealous at all, Othello is burning with rage over Iago's tricks. Finally by the end of Act 3 Cassio's lover Bianca becomes jealous over the thought that Cassio has another lover.
Jealousy is moving the plot along like spraying gas on a fire. Because this play is a drama, there needs to be emotion to push the action along. Otherwise the characters don't develop.

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