Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The difference of the settings

"...utterly secure, with nobody watching you, no voice pursuing you, no sound except the singing of the kettle and the friendly ticking of the clock"Page 96- 1984

To this point of the story the book 1984 doesn't really have many settings. Winston stays in his room, his cubicle the lunch room and a couple of streets. Once he hooks up with Julia this all changes. I think the drastic changes of setting show Winston's journey against Big Brother. For example in the beginning of the story he isn't in the setting hes' suppose to be in (the lunchroom) in fact he's hiding from the setting. This step show's Winston's initial steps away from Big Brother. Then he takes another step away from Big Brother when he goes to the proles. He's not where he's suppose to be, yet because he went to this dirty setting he was able to find a safe room for him and Julia. When Winston and Julia first hooked up their settings were hiding places scattered around and not particularly safe. These settings show their fear of punishment and their feelings for each other. When they finally get together in the room by the shop they finally feel safe, this change in setting is a transition from hiding to feeling "utterly secure". This change in setting is the catalyst needed to make Julia and Winston seek O'Brien out.

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