Thursday, December 2, 2010

Umm May I get a Third Opinon

Okay, I don't know who this Lorrie Moore is but I don't like how she describes Midwesterners as "spacey with estrogen from large quantities of meat and cheese....they were complacent. They had been purchases...they seemed actually to know very little about anything, but they were good-natured about it". I mean the random jab towards other states or other parts of the country are okay. It's all good nature teasing (for example it's only natural for Hoosiers to call people from Kentucky what they are...hicks). But seriously it's overdoing it a little to spend 3 or 4 entire sentences against another part of the country. I mean seriously was Miss Moore abused in the Midwest or something, we really aren't that bad.
Other than that though I think having Zoe as a teacher would be awesome. I'm not quite sure why her students wouldn't want a crazy teacher like her?

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised that you'd like to have her as a teacher...she seems so dismissive of her students concerns...she's funny yes, but at a certain point, don't you need a teacher that won't mock you all the time?
