Monday, October 11, 2010

Please, please don't leave me

In "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" the speaker speaks (imagine that) of death (as a side note what is with all of the death poetry Mr. Costello?). This poem has many paradoxes like "blinding sight" and "frail deeds". It's overall a paradox because it seems like a good night is something that one should go gentle into. How this speaker is literally begging someone not to die, and to not give up. To be wise good, wise or grave. How they aren't to be humble and die. Honestly isn't this something that is found in any situation with death, because death is a one way journey and people don't enjoy being left behind. Perhaps this person should allow their loved one to leave into the good night with humbleness, it seems like that would make goodbyes better.

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