Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Sun Also Sets- Last post

To further enjoy this book, I've decided to deliver all of my favorite quotes from this book (to show some irony, puns and local color of course)

"Well I've got to get back and get off some cables and it was done. It is very important to discover graceful exits like that in the newspaper business" - said by Jake to Robert who wanted to take off to South America (Page 19)

"You, a foreigner, an Englishman have given more than your life" - Jake's injury (Page 39)

"Oh don't go to hell I said Stick around we're just starting lunch"- Jake telling Robert to cool off (Page 47)

"...and she took great pride in telling me which of my guests were well bought up, which were of good family who were sportsmen...the only trouble was that people who did not fall into any of those three categories were very liable to be told no one was home"- why Brett wasn't allowed to Jake's room (page 60)

"All right. Have it your own way. Road to hell paved with unbought stuffed dogs. Not my fault"- bet you forgot Bill was a taxidermist didn't cha? (page 78)

"Cohn had a wonderful quality of bringing out the worst in everybody"- okay if this little opinion is true then what did Robert do to Brett? she was already pretty bad (page 104)

" have no pity. Say something pitiful... Robert Cohn"- Okay by this point I started to feel bad for Robert (page 119)

"Bills a yell of laughter"- I found this to be a great description of Bill my favorite character (page 177)

"Tell him the bull has no balls! Mike shouted. He was drunk"- If Mike wasn't drunk I would be a bit concerned (page 179)

"My God! he's a lovely boy. Brett said. And how I would love to see him get into those clothes. He must use a shoe horn"- Poor Roberto I don't know if that's a compliment or not (page 181)

And that my dears is my quotes of The Sun Also Rises

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